Category: Outdoorsy Stuff

The elephant seals of San Simeon

go to site Posted on This past weekend, Toni and I hopped in the car and decided we weaned to go camping around the Big Sur area. It took us about 3-4 hours to get there, and when we got there, we found that there were no open tent spots. We stopped at 3 different campgrounds before deciding we’d just.. Read more

The plastic problem Posted on - Updated I hate to get all preachy and righteous, but I find these articles and stories about the ‘Great Pacific garbage patch’ fascinating. It seems altogether inconceivable, yet upon further consideration, completely possible. This flashed across my newsfeed the other day and it reminded me of the garbage patch. I remember seeing similar articles (although geared..

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I got a ticket :( Posted on - Updated So, yesterday, I was riding my bike home and ran a stop sign on The Wiggle. A cop on a motorcycle was sitting right there picking people off left and right – he pointed me out and yelled ‘You, COME HERE!’ I pulled up next time him knowing I had no defense (other than the..

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Rich Roll’d

Another great book I recently finished: A pretty fascinating story about a pretty average overweight guy that just decided he had enough of being out of shape. He started eating right (veggies) and started jogging before he decided he wanted to give an ultra-marathon a shot. At 40-something years old. Eventually, he went on to..

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