Category: Timewasters - page 6

The Greatest CD store ever Posted on - Updated

Buy Diazepam England As a kid I spent countless hours in this fine establishment digging through the crates. I went in these places so often (the nearest one was in Reno, NV), that I knew I’d see 95% of what I’d find in the racks the previous week I was there. I knew exactly where to look for..

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Rich Roll’d

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Buy Diazepam Safely Another great book I recently finished: A pretty fascinating story about a pretty average overweight guy that just decided he had enough of being out of shape. He started eating right (veggies) and started jogging before he decided he wanted to give an ultra-marathon a shot. At 40-something years old. Eventually, he went on to..

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Nike Outlet in Milpitas.

Buying Valium In India Posted on - Updated When I first discovered ‘The Great Mall’ in Milpitas back in 1998 or 1999, they had the worst stores imaginable. I don’t know when they decided to smarten up and add some places that people actually wanted to shop at, but I’m glad they did. One Saturday a few months ago, I found myself in.. Read more